Sunday, 11 August 2013


So its been plastered all over Facebook and the net also the news about these so called "no go areas" in places like London and Luton, no I'm not going to get all political because as I was once told
"when your in the pub don't talk about money or politics"
 and I'm going to stand by that.

However being as i have brought the subject up I think I have a couple of NO GO AREAS I'd like to add to the list.

Firstly whilst on Twitter mindlessly scrolling through i saw this scrote trying to give one of my all time boxing heroes Ricky "The Hitman" Hatton some grief...


Thats right this absolute cretin is setting up a "hoolygan firm" in Beijing to defend the Manchester honour.....

I Implore you all not to go to Beijing as this hardened arch cunt could be waiting for you.

And secondly


If anybody in league one was planning on taking a trip to the New York stadium to watch your team play Rotherham Utd, I'd seriously think again......

Thats it four pre-pubescent underfed gypo tan donning idiots will be there to great you.
I'm sure the older boys of Section 5 would be so glad to see that these intimidating figures are carrying on their legacy.....

So there you have it if I was you I'd take my advice and avoid these places at all costs!!!
You have been warned


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